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Useful, free tips and guides from EffectiveHRM

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Coronavirus Resources

Christmas Party 2021 - Memo to Staff

Ensuring that the Christmas Party is conducted in as COVID Secure an environment as possible

CVD 032 - Return from family leave - Furlough letter - updated

Letter seeking agreement of employees returning from family leave to go onto furlough

CVD 031 - Flexible Furlough Letter Updated

Letter seeking agreement to employee going onto flexible furlough

CVD 030 - Furlough Letter Updated

Letter indicating agreement of the classification of the employee as being furloughed

CVD 029 - Extend Furlough but Dismiss by Redundancy

Employee under furlough extension that is being dismissed by redundancy

CVD 028 - Extend Furlough but Dismiss under 2 Years

Employee under furlough extension that is being dismissed as having been employed for under 2 years

CVD 027 - Extend Furlough but Dismiss Under 2 Years

Employee under two years’ service has been dismissed and whether you do or do not extend their termination date by extending their furlough

CVD 026 - Extended Furlough Letter JSS

Letter to employee who was on furlough and due to transfer to JSS but now furlough is extended

CVD 025 - Extended Furlough Letter Return to Work

Letter to employee where they were due to return to work at the end of CJRS but now CJRS has been extended and they are to stay on furlough

The Ultimate Guide to Working from Home

We've created our Ultimate Guide to Working from Home for businesses that may be implementing WFH for the first time, or just need some extra hints and tips on how to remote work successfully.

Factsheet: Coronavirus and Furlough

If you have any employees or workers on your payroll (PAYE) that you were going to lay off / make redundant due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, then you can keep them employed and class them as furloughed instead. This factsheet gives you all the information you need, and we're giving you a free template letter too.

Factsheet: Coronavirus and Working from home

If your employees are able to carry out their job from anywhere, then given the current strict instructions on staying at home from the Government, you should allow them to work from home. Working from home isn’t something that employers normally like to approve, but in these difficult situations, it is essential that if your employees can work from home, they absolutely should. This factsheet will tell you everything you need to know about working from home.

Factsheet: Coronavirus and Under 2 years dismissal

With things seeming bleaker by the day, businesses are looking at ways to reduce their costs. If you are in this situation, you may be looking for a quick fix.

Factsheet: Coronavirus and Redundancy

The world of business is changing on a daily basis at the moment due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, this has meant that some businesses are losing work and having to look at redundancies. This factsheet takes you through the stages of a redundancy process.

Employment Law Update 2020

To ensure that you are complying with the law, download out Employment Law Update 2020 summary.

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