Upcoming Webinars

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Previous Webinars

Health and Safety– Get the Basics covered
In this webinar, our Operations Manager Dafydd Lloyd will be looking at the key basic elements of Health and safety that all organisations need to consider.
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HR Essentials: Part One and Two
In this webinar, our HR Director Gemma Davies will be speaking about essential information for businesses when it comes to HR management
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Salary Benchmarking
In this webinar our Managing Director, Emma del Torto and special guest Ruth Dawson-Jones cover Salary Benchmarking and it's importance.
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Recruitment Made EASY
Struggling to recruit new people? This webinar will discuss our "Ten Steps to Recruitment" and go over everything need to hire top talent.
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Navigating the Post Pandemic Return to Work
In this webinar, we will be talking about the vital questions we should be asking ourselves as employers regarding a return to the workplace.
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Introduction to HR Essentials for Startups and SMEs PARTS ONE and TWO
In these webinars, our HR Business Partner Claire Jenkins will be speaking about essential information for businesses when it comes to HR management.
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