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We associate a New Year with resolutions, diets and fresh starts….

For all these reasons it is also a really good time to have a look at making sure your organisation is on track to succeed too!

Making sure your business goals and strategy are aligned with your people strategy is pivotal to the success in achieving your business goals. This is the case if it is ‘business as usual’ year or you have plans for change for the coming year. Whatever you have in store for 2023 why not review your HR strategy and make sure that it is still fit for purpose?

In this session our Managing Director, Emma del Torto, will go through the key things for you to think about when putting together an HR Strategy for the first time or if you are reviewing an existing HR Strategy.

Most businesses will at usually have a set of goals – even at the very basic level of revenue generation, number of sales, number of new customers or units of widgets sold. You might even call them KPIs (key performance indicators) or targets or whatever your industry or business likes to call them.  The business strategy is how the business goals will be achieved. So how does an HR strategy help you?

What is an HR Strategy?

The HR strategy is the thing that links the people in the business to how the overall business strategy is going to be achieved. Don’t worry, it does not have to be a 50 page document. The important thing is that it is relevant to your business, your plans and the resources you have available.

Why do you need an HR Strategy for 2023?

Well, we know that people are at the heart of your organisation – whatever the sector and size. But all too often the people aspect of running the business is not planned or thought through carefully enough. A little bit of planning ahead could save you some real headaches down the line in terms of time and resources.

What topics will we cover in this session?

  • Communication
  • Compensation
  • Recruitment and Retention
  • Skills and Development
  • Succession Planning
  • Happy Employees



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